Virutalmin in CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian:


Virtualmin is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a single interface (like Plesk or Cpanel). It supports the creation and management of Apache virtual hosts, BIND DNS domains, MySQL databases, and mailboxes and aliases with Sendmail or Postfix.


Virtualmin uses the existing (existing in Virtualmin) Webmin modules for these servers. So the system where you are installing Virtualmin does not need to have it's own mail server, web server and so on. It can also create a Webmin user for each virtual server, who is restricted to manage just his domain and its files. Webmin's existing module access control features are used, and are set up automatically to limit the user appropriately. These server administrators can also manage the mailboxes and mail aliases in their domain, via a web interface that is part of the module.



The Virtualmin installer should only be used on the systems that are not currently running Webmin or hosting any websites. Ideally, it should be run on a system that has a fresh install of either CentOS 5, Debian 4.0, Ubuntu 8.04 or Solaris (as at the moment those are the only supported operating systems). Further documentation on supported systems and install requirements is available on the Virtualmin download page.


Installation (in Redhat/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu):

If you want to install Virtualmin on RedHat/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu. Follow these steps:

1. Update your Operating System

1a. In RedHat/CentOS run following command:

yum install update

1b. In Ubuntu/Debian run following command:

apt-get install update

2. To Download Virtualmin installer click


3. Give it execute permission:

chmod +x

4. Execute it (Do not forget to type .(dot) before slash (/):


Note: During the installation it might ask you to enter Fully Qualified Domain Name (for example type

Installation (in Solaris X86):

If you want to install Virtualmin on Solaris O/s. Follow these steps:

1. To Download Virtualmin installer click

2. Give it execute permission:

chmod +x

3. Execute it (Do not forget to type .(dot) before slash (/):



As it downloads numerous packages from the Virtualmin website and your Linux distribution's repository, it may take up to 30 minutes for the installation to complete. Once it is done, you can login to Webmin at https://yourserver:10000/ to see the Virtualmin user interface.




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