
Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can do almost all the system administration task like managing user accounts, creating Disk Qutota, managing Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more.


Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely. You can download webmin here.


Installation and Configuration:

Since webmin cannot be installed using yum, we can download an RPM package and install it on our server.

wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.570-1.noarch.rpm
rpm - i webmin-1.570-1.noarch.rpm

That should be a pretty easy installation! Remember webmin uses port 10000 and should not be blocked by your firewall.

Now type http://ip.address:10000 Address bar of your Web Browser:

You should see a webmin login. But we don't know the login and password yet! To set up the webmin password run the script below...

/usr/libexec/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin admin <newpasswd>
Log in with the admin username and new webmin password!

: You can also login as a root and its password (root password).

Afteryou login, you get following screen, which shows system configuration.

You can do a lot of systemadministrative task such as Server configuration, Hardware Configuration, ImplementDisk Quota, Manage Users and Groups, Create and Mange Partitions, Logicalvolume,  Modify boot loader, ManageServer configuration like Apache Web Server, Mail Server, SSH Server and a lotmore using Webmin Interface. 

For Example, to take backup of configuration files, simply expand Webmin (in the left), and then click Backup Configuration Files:

To create, delete and manage users and groups for accessing Webmin Interface. Click on Webmin Users option (in the left).


To manage Apache Web Server, expand Servers option, click on Apache WebServer

Virtual Host can be created from Create Virtual Host Tab:

For Network configuration expand Networking option, then click Network Configuration

then click on Network Interfaces

To manage TCP/IP configuration of eth0, click on eth0:

From here you can configure TCP/IP setting on eth0.

To uninstall webmin, just run:


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