APACHE (Introduction):

Apache is the world's most popular Web server (HTTP server). The original version of Apache was written for UNIX, but there are now versions that run under OS/2, Windows and other platforms.

The Apache Web server provides a full range of Web server features, including CGI, SSL, and virtual domains. Apache also supports plug-in modules for extensibility. Apache is reliable, free, and relatively easy to configure.

Configuring Apache Web Server (RedHat/CentOS)

# yum   install  *httpd*
(Install the package)

# cd  /var/www/html

(go the html folder)

Related Helps:

# vim  index.html
(create an html page, name must be index.html)


# vim  /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
(now go to bottom of the document  and type following)
ServerAdmin  root@domain.com
DocumentRoot  /var/www/html
ServerName  srv1.domain.com
ErrorLog   logs/srvb1.domain.com-error_log
CustomLog  logs/srv1.domain.com-access_log  common

(now go to 99% #NameVirtualHost  *:80 and type following)


# service  httpd  start

How to set password in apache web server. User require while opening the web site.


# cd  /var/www/html


# touch   .htaccess


# vim  /var/www/html/.htaccess
(Type the following)
AuthName  “restricted  stuff”
AuthType  Basic
AuthUserFile  /etc/httpd/conf/.htpasswd-file
Require  valid-user


#  vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
(go to 31% and type the following)
DocumentRoot “/var/www/html”
AllowOverride AuthConfig


# cd /etc/httpd/conf


# htpasswd  -mc  .htpasswd-file  user1
New Password:
Retype new password:


# service httpd start

Now open web browser and open website, it will require username and password. Give username user1 and its password.

Configuration (Video):

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