DNS (Introduction):
- Used to resolve (translate) domain name to IP address and IP address to domain name.
- Port no. 53
Daemon : named
Port no. 53
Packages : bind*
Related Helps:Basic commands vim editor yum |
DNS SERVER (Configuration):
In this scenario:
IP address of server =
Hostname = srv
Domain Name = wtuto.com
Full Computer name (FQDN) = srv.wtuto.com
Install the required packages:
# yum install bind*
Add entry of IP Address, Full Computer Name & Hostname in hosts file:
# vim /etc/hosts srv.wtuto.com srv
Related Topic:DNS (in RHEL 5.x) |
Add entry of domain name to search and IP address of DNS Server:
# vim /etc/resolv.conf
search wtuto.com
Make sure you have an entry of full computer name in network file:
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
If you have iptables enabled, allow UDP and TCP traffic for port no. 53:
# vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Note: There are 4 configuration file of DNS, 2 files located in /etc, other 2 files in /var/named
# vim /etc/named.conf
# vim /etc/named.rfc*
# cd /var/named
# cp named.localhost forward.zone
# cp named.loopback reverse.zone
# vim forward.zone
# vim reverse.zone
# chgrp named forward.zone
# chown named reverse.zone
Start named service:
# service named start
To test forward lookup zone:
# dig srv.wtuto.com (to test forward lookup zone)
To test reverse lookup zone:
# dig –x
DNS Configuration in RHEL 6 (wtuto.com) - YouTube
Configuration (Video)