Linux Terminals (by default 7):
CLI: by default 6 terminals (can be increased upto 63)
GUI: by default 1 (can be increased 33/34)
Alt + ctrl + F1
(go to 1st CLI Terminal)
Alt + ctrl + F5
(go to 5th CLI Terminal)
Alt + ctrl + F7
(go to 7th GUI Terminal)
# denote super user (Priviledge User)
$ denote normal user (Non-Priviledge User)
To Logout: Alt + ctrl + backspace
To create an empty file file1
touch file1
To create a file file2:
This is the content of file2
(press ctrl + d to save and exit)
To change Date and Time
date mmddhhmmyyyy
To Create Directory (dir1):
mkdir dir1
To Create Directory (dir2 in /tmp folder):
mkdir /tmp/dir2
{-p switch create parent directory (dir3 in this case) if it doesn’t exit}
mkdir –p /tmp/dir3/dir4
Example 2:
mkdir -p /dump/{Server,VT,Cluster,ClusterStorage}
To change directory:
cd /dir1
(Change current directory to /dir1)
cd /dir1/dir2
(Change current directory to dir2 which is located in /dir1)
(Change current directory to your HOME directory.)
cd /usr/dir2
(Change current directory to /usr/dir2)
(Change current directory to INIT which is a sub-directory of the current directory.)
cd ..
Change current directory to the parent directory of the current directory.
cd ~wali
(Change the current directory to the user wali's home directory (if you have permission)
File and directory paths in UNIX use
the forward slash "/" to separate directory names in a path.
/ "root" directory
/usr directory usr (sub-directory of / "root" directory)
/usr/wtuto wtuto is a subdirectory of /usr
To display the "path of working directory", or current directory:
To delete directory, subdirectories and files (r= recursively, f=forcely)
rm –rf dir1
(Where dir1 has subfolder and files in it)
Listing files and folders:
(display files and folders in current directory)
ls –a
(List the current directory including hidden files. Hidden files start with ".")
ls -ld *
(List all the file and directory names
in the current directory using long format. Without the "d" option,
ls would list the contents of any sub-directory of the current. With
the "d" option, ls just list them like regular files.)
ls –l
(-l switch to display details)
for example:
$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 4 cliff user 1024 Jun 18 09:40 dir1
-rw-r--r-- 1 cliff user 767392 Jun 6 14:28 file1
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | owner group size date time name
| | | | number of links to file or directory contents
| | | permissions for world
| | permissions for members of group
| permissions for owner of file: r = read, w = write, x = execute -=no permission
type of file: - = normal file, d=directory, l = symbolic link, and others...
ls li
(-i switch to display inode number of files and folders)
ls -R directory
(-R to display recursive list of directory)
An inode contains
full information of a file or a folder like name, user owner, group
owner, location, time of creation, permission etc.
To display content of files:
cat file1
(display contents of file1)
more file1
(display contents pagewise only in
downward direction (Where Enter = One Line Down, Spacebar = Page Down,
less file2
(display contents pagewise in both upward & downward direction)
head file1
(display first few lines of file1
head -n /etc/passwd
(display n number of lines from the beginning of file)
tail file1
(display last few lines of file1)
tail -n /etc/passwd
(display n number of lines from the end of file)
tail -f /var/log/messages
(output appended as the file grows)
Filename Completion
A feature of bash and tcsh (and possibly others) you can use the TAB key to complete a partially typed filename. For example if you have a file called constantine-monks-and-willy-wonka.txt in your directory and want to edit it you can type 'vi const', hit the TAB key, and the shell will fill in the rest of the name for you (provided the completion is unique).
To delete files and folders:
rm filename
(to delete a file)
rmdir directory
(to delete an empty directory)
rm -r dir1
(recursivly remove a directory and its contents BE CAREFUL!)
rm -rf s[1-5]
(to delete s1, s2, s3, s4 & s5)
To Copy:
The cp command makes a copy of a file. For example, type:
cp foo bar
(to make an exact copy of foo and name it bar. foo will be unchanged)
cp dir1 /xyz
(to make an exact copy of dir1 in /xyz folder. )
To move or rename:
The mv command moves a file to a different location or will rename a file. Examples are as follows:
mv foobar
(will rename the file foo to bar)
mv foo ~/Desktop
(will move the file foo to your Desktop directory but will not rename it.)
mv dir1 /abc
(to make an exact copy of dir1 in /xyz folder.)
Getting help
# whatis mkdir
whatis is command provides
you a short description about the command that you type after it.
Above command provides a short description on mkdir command.
# mkdir --help
-- help switch also provide you a short description
about the command and its switches. Above command provides a short
description on mkdir.
# man mkdir
# info mkdir
man and info command provide you a manual page (long notes) about the command you type after it.
- whatis
# whatis mkdir
- command --help
# mkdir --help
- man
#man mkdir
- info
#info mkdir
Help file also available in:
- /user/share/doc/
- Red Hat documentation
#makewhatis (to install whatis, first)
You can search through the man pages using apropos
apropos build Shows a list of
all the man pages whose discriptions contain the word "build"
Do a man apropos for detailed help on apropos.