YUM SERVER in CentOS5 (Using Mounted DVD):

create a directory of any name (eg. backuprepo) anywhere in filesystem. For example we are creating a directory called backuprepo in /.

mkdir /backuprepo

Now move entire repo file from /etc/yum.repos.d to /backuprepo

mv /etc/yum.repos.d/* /backuprepo

Now Insert CentOS DVD in DVD Rom, and mount it in /media folder.

mount /dev/cdrom  /media

Now create a file with extension repo (for example: media.repo) in /etc/yum.repos.d

vim  /etc/yum.repos.d/media.repo

name=CentOS 5.4

(save and exit)

Now Type following command:

yum clean all

yum list

Try installing any package now, it will work)

yum install *vsftpd*


If you don't have a CentOS DVD but an ISO image (CentOS5_4.iso) first mount it using


mount  -o  loop  /xyz/CentOS5_4.iso  /media

(Note: in this example our iso file CentOS5_4.iso is located in xyz folder which is located in /.



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