Users and Groups Management:

User: A user is a special account which is used by a person to login on a computer.

It is usually necessary to differentiate between user accounts when a computer is used by many people so that their private data can be kept private.



  • Local Users (non privileged user, limited powers)
    ID - Start from 500 upto 65000 (for non privileged users and group)
  • Super user (admin account)
    ID = 0 (default)
  • System users (not login users, service users, to activate services)
    ID – below 100

: x : 501 : 502  :IT Department:  /home/wali : /bin/bash
(login Name) : (Password Field): (User ID) : (Group ID) : (Description) : (Home Folder) :  (Login Shell)


Shell: Shell is a converter which make a communication between user and kernel.


Group: A collection of user accounts


Configuration Files:

  • /etc/passwd          (Contains the database of all user accounts)

    Example of user entry in passwd file:

    wali : x : 501 : 502  :IT Department:  /home/wali : /bin/bash
    (login Name) : (Password Field): (User ID) : (Group ID) : (Description) : (Home Folder) :  (Login Shell)

  • /etc/shadow          (contains the database of the passwords in encrypted format)
  • /etc/group             (contains information of groups)
  • /etc/gshadow        (contains information of group password)



useradd username

creates a user

useradd -c “comment” login name

to comment

passwd username

add the password

useradd -d /wali/user6 user6

to specify the home directory while creating a user

passwd -d username

remove the password

userdel -r username

remove user with home folder

userdel username

remove user but home folder

groupadd groupname

create a group

groupdel groupname 

delete a group

usermod -g gid username

To change the primary group
(or private group):
Primary group – only 1
Secondary group – many (99)

usermod -G group name username 

make a user member of a group

usermod -G group1,group2 username

(make a user member of both group

groups username

(to see which group the user is in

usermod -L username

(lock the user account

usermod -U username

unlock the user account

usermod -s /sbin/nologin username

(change the shell of a user

usermod -l newname oldname

to rename the user

groupmod -n newname oldname

to rename the group

useradd -ou userid username

more users on a single ID

chown -R:groupname foldername-or-path

to change the ownership of group only

chgrp -R user:group foldername-or-path

to change the ownership of group only


Making a user (wali) member of group (trainer):
# vim  /etc/group         (to see list of group and their groud id)


# vim  /etc/passwd
wali:x:503:508            {change second 503 to 508 (id of trainer)}
(save & exit)

To change password of any user (for example: user=wali, password=password) in one line.

echo password | passwd wali --stdin

Creating bulk of users:

1. To create users from u10 to u60.
Run Following command to create 51 users (from u10 to u60) without password.

for i in u{10..60}; do useradd $i; passwd -d $i; done

2. To set their password:

1. Run following command to create a file pwlist in /tmp. It will contain list of users and their password p (in a format of username:password) for all users from u10 to u60 (51 users).

cut -c1-5 /etc/passwd | grep u | tail -51 | tr x p > /tmp/pwlist

Note: In the above command just replace p with whatever password you wan to set to all users from u10 to u60.

3. Now run following command to set/change password to the bulk of users (mentioned in pwlist file):

chpasswd < /tmp/pwlist


Note: Sample of password file (In the following sample file, password is shown in bold letter).


Deleting bulk of users (with their home directory)
(To delete all the users from u10 to u60, run following command):

for i in u{10..60}; do userdel -r $i; done

To see list of logged in user type who or w command:




To logout user called raj, enter:

# pkill -KILL -u user1

Code to delete multiple users at a time:

for user in $(< dellist.txt)
userdel -r $user

Sudo (Users):
# visudo  -f  /etc/sudoers  (this file must be edited using visudo command)
(search Allow root to run any commands anywhere and type below the line of root)
wali      ALL=(ALL)       ALL
(save & exit)


Now logon using user (wali) and type following command:


vim  /etc/grub.conf                   (permission denied)
sudo  vim  /etc/grub.conf         (full permission like root)


Sudo (Group):
# visudo  -f  /etc/sudoers        (this file must be edited using visudo command)
(search allows people in group wheel to run all commands and type following below # %wheel.

Also check out nopasswd in order not to require password)
%trainer    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
(save & exit)

Now logon using any user (wali) of the group (trainer) and type following command:

vim  /etc/grub.conf                 (permission denied)

sudo  vim  /etc/grub.conf       (full permission like root)

su  -

Switch to root user

su  username

switch to user that you specify


command runs command as root
(Requires prior configuration by a system-administrator)


shows information on the current user


To set password expiry day and all that:
chage  --help
chage  -l  u1
chage  -M  5  u1


To set password length and all that:
vim  /etc/pam.d/passwd
password  include  system-auth
(save & quit)


vim  /etc/pam.d/system-auth
password required try_first_pass retry=3 minlen=12 ocredit=1 dcredit=1 lcredit=1 ucredit=1
password required retry=3 min=11,10,10,9,8
(save & quit)


/var/log/faillog    (for failed logs)


means 3 attemps to set password (while changing or creating)


lowercase =1 (atleast)


means uppercase


means digit


other than l,u,dcredits


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