SAMBA Server:


It allows files and printers sharing in a network using the SMB/CIFS protocol, so that other machine (with Linux, Windows and others) in a network can access that shared files and printers etc.


Simple Sharing allows to  access shared resources without entering username and password, while in User Level Sharing you must enter a valid user name and password in order to access that shared resources.




Related Help:

VIM Editor

Install the required package:

# yum install *samba*


Modify configuration file:
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf


View port no. of netbios and Microsoft-ds

cat /etc/services | grep netbios
cat /etc/services | grep Microsoft-ds

Allow port no. of netbios and Microsoft-ds in iptable (if enabled)

vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables


Run following only if selinus is enabled:

getsebool –a | grep samba
getsebool –a | grep smb
chcon  -R –t  samba_share_t   /share1

Create samba password for user1 (user1 has to be already created)

smbpasswd  -a  user1


Start service for iptable:

service  iptables  restart


Start service for samba:
service  smb  restart

To Access shared resources on Samba Server:

From Linux Machine (run following command):
smbclient   -L  -N 
smbclient   //  -U user1
mount -t cifs -o username=user1,password=mypass //192.x.x.111/share /media

From Windows Machine:

  1. Start Menu
  2. Run
  3. \\


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