This article will show you, how you can work remotely on Winodws Machine from Linux and vice-versa.
Working Remotely on Windows Machine from Linux Machine:
1. First you have to enable Remote Desktop (from Remote Tab in My Computer Properties) on the windows machine.
2. Then install rdesktop*.rpm package on the Linux Machine using following command:
yum install rdesktop
3. Run following command in Gnome-Terminal:
Note: Where is IP address of Windows Machine.
Working Remotely on Linux Machine from Windows Machine:
1. First enable Remote Desktop on Linux Machine From System Menu --> Preferences --> Remote Desktop
2. Then download and Install vncviewer on Windows Machine. vncviewer is easily avialable on Internet.
3. Run vncviewer and type IP Address of Linux Comuputer.
Note: To Connect Linux Machine from other Linux Machine. Simply install vncviewer rpm package, which is available in O/s DVD, and then type following in Gnome-terminal:
Note: Where is ip address of Linux Machine where Remote Desktop is enabled.