NIS Server Configuration in CentOS/RHEL5:


In this tutorial we are going to create an NIS server so that we create user accounts only on one machine (on NIS Server), and using those user accounts, we logon on any of the NIS Client Machine.

Other benefit of using NIS Server is that, when any nis-user (such as nisuser1 in this tutorial) works on any NIS Client machine and create/save/copy their files/folders in their home folder, it is not stored on their local machine (client) hard-disk but on NIS Server hard-disk.

1. We must have enough disk space on NIS Server.
2. NIS doesn't encrypt the password transaction.


In this scenario:

For Server:
Computer Name = nissrv
IP Address =
NIS Domain Name=WTUTO

For Client:
Computer Name = client1
IP Address =


on Server:

1. We will install and configure NFS Server to share /home folder of nissrv.

1a. Install required package for nfs server:

[root@nissrv ~]# yum install nfs-utils

1b. Edit the /etc/exports file to allow NFS mounts of the /home directory with read/write access.

[root@nissrv ~]# vim /etc/exports

#make following entries in this file#
/home *(rw,sync)

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/nfs file to define static port numbers:

[root@nissrv ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/nfs

#make following entries in this file#

1.d Restart following services:
/etc/init.d/nfs start

/etc/init.d/portmap restart
/etc/init.d/nfslock restart

Set following services to automatically start at boot time:
chkconfig nfs on
chkconfig portmap on
chkconfig nfslock on

show the exported folder:

[root@nissrv ~]# exportfs -avf

2. Install and configure NIS Server:

2a. Install packages required (ypserv, ypbind, yp-tools) for NIS Server.

[root@nissrv ~]# yum install ypserv ypbind yp-tools

2b. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network to add following entry:

[root@nissrv ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/network


Note: "WTUTO is a domian name"

2.c. Start following services:

[root@nissrv ~]# service ypserv start
[root@nissrv ~]# service yppasswdd start
[root@nissrv ~]# service portmap restart

2d. Set following services to automatically start at boot time:

[root@nissrv ~]# chkconfig ypserv on
[root@nissrv ~]# chkconfig yppasswdd on
[root@nissrv ~]# chkconfig ypxfrd on

2e. Type following command:

[root@nissrv ~]# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m

#It will ask u next host to add#
Press CTR+D#
you will get below message #
The current list of NIS servers looks like this:
Is this correct? [y/n: y]
#Press Y#

Create a User:

[root@nissrv ~]# useradd nisuser1
[root@nissrv ~]# passwd nisuser1

Note: If your NIS Server is already running, and you create new user,  then you have to update the NIS domain's authentication files by executing the make command in the /var/yp directory. For this take following steps:

[root@nissrv ~]# cd /var/yp

[root@nissrv yp]# ls
binding  Makefile  nicknames  WTUTO  ypservers

[root@nissrv yp]# make
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/WTUTO'
Updating passwd.byname...
Updating passwd.byuid...
Updating group.byname...
Updating group.bygid...
Updating netid.byname...
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/WTUTO'

[root@nissrv yp]#           

Stop iptables service:

[root@nissrv ~]# service iptables stop

Set iptables service to stop at boot time:

[root@nissrv ~]# chkconfig iptables off

Note: If you don't follow above 2 steps, you will have to allow all ports of NFS and NIS using iptables.

Client Side:

Now configure auto.misc and auto.master on client machine:

1. Make following entry in /etc/auto.misc

* -fstype=nfs,soft,intr serveripaddress:/home/&

2. Make following entry in /etc/auto.master

/home /etc/auto.misc

3. Start autofs service and set it to automatically start at boot time.

[root@nissrv ~]# service autofs start
[root@nissrv ~]# chkconfig autofs on

4. Now run authconfig-tui

Select NIS domain

Put WTUTO in domain field

Server's ipaddress in server field

Now login with user nisuser1 from client machine in cmd prompt.


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