Scheduling a process to execute later:
# at now +2 minute
(press ctrl + d to save & exit)
# at 07:10 PM February 28
(ctrl + d)
Few Example (of at command):
# at 8:00pm December 7
# at 7 am Thursday
# at midnight + 23 minutes
# at now + 5 minutes
(to list job scheduled)
at -l
(to list job scheduled)
at -d jobnumber
(to delete the job)
Crontab file format:
# vim /etc/crontab (see man 5crontab)
02 9 28 2 * root /sbin/reboot
(reboot system at 9:02 on 28 Feb)
0 7 2 4 0 root /bin/mkdir /wali/abc
(create directory at 7:00 am 2nd April, Sun)
1 14 2 4 1 root /bin/rm -rf /wali/xyz
(removes directory at 2:01 pm 2nd April, Mon)
(save & exit)