Searching Tools:

Locate Commands
1. First run updatedb  -v  (or updatedb) to update database  (only superuser can run this command)

2. Database update can also be automated by an administrator by enabling the DAILY_UPDATE option in  /etc/updatedb.conf


# locate  new                    
(it searches for the file with “new” in the name or path, Example:  new, renew, /wali/newdir/file1)

-i            to perform a case insensitive search
-n  X       list only the first X matches


FIND Command              
Search by name:
# find   /   -name   passwd              
(passwd file in / )


# find   /   -iname   wali                            
[wali, Wali, WALI (case insensitive search)]


# find   /root/dump   -name   *.rpm   
(all rpm files from /root/dump)


# find   /root/dump   -name   *.*.conf               
(file like my.class.conf)


# find   /root   -name   wa*                     
[all file / folder that begins with wa (eg. wali, warrior, warm etc)]


# find   /root   -name   ?a*                      
[all file / folder which second letter is a (eg. wali, man, fast etc)]


Search by user/group:
# find   /tmp   -user   root                        
(files and folder for the root user in /tmp)


# find   /tmp   -group   student                             
(files and folder for the student group in /tmp)


# find   -user   student   -group   student        
(searches for file owned by user student and ground student)


Find and logical operators:
in find command, criteria are ANDed together by default.


Find command can be OR’d or negated with –o (OR) and –not (negate)
and parentheses can be used to determine logic order,
but must be escaped in bash. Some examples are:

# find    -user   joe   -not   -group   joe


# find   / -user   joe   -o   -uid   500    
(uid can be used instead of user)


# find    -user   joe   -o   -group   jane


# find    -user   joe   -o   -gid   501      
(gid can be used instead of group)

# find    -not   \   (-user   joe   -o   -user   jane   \ )


For example, the following will only match files whose names end in .png AND are owned by the user u1:


# find   /   -name   “*.png”   -user   u1

This behavior can be overridden with the –o option. The following command will match file whose names end in .png OR are owned by student.


# find   /   -name   “*.png”   -o   -user   student


Find  also includes a logical NOT operator. Options preceded with a ! or the
–not option will cause find to look for the opposite of the given criterion. So the following command will match files whose names end in .png and are NOT owned by student.


# find   /   -name   “*.png”   -not   -user   student

Search by size:

# find   /   -size   5M 

files / folder of  5 MB

# find   /   -size   +5M

files /folder that are more than 5 MB in size

# find   /   -size   -5M

files / folder that are less than 5 MB in size


Search by permission:

# find   /   -perm   123

file / folder with 123 permission

# find   /   -perm   -123

file / folder with permission less than 123

# find   /   -perm   +123

file / folder with permission more than 123

Search by time:
(-amin = access time, -cmin = created time, -mtime = modified time) 

# find   /home   -amin   31

accessed 31 minutes ago

# find   /home   -amin   -5

accessed within 5 minutes

# find   /home   -mmin   10

modified 10 minutes ago

# find   /home   -cmin   -10

created within 10 minutes

# find   /home   -atime   2

accessed 2 days ago

# find   /home   -ctime   2

created 2 days ago

# find   /home   -mtime   2

modified 2 days ago

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