Few Commands (that may be required in Shell Programming) :

test  100 –eq 200; echo $?           
{Test whether 100 is equal to 200 (Where Output:  0= right,    1= wrong)}
test  100 = 200; echo $?

test  100 –ne 200; echo $?

(-ne = not equal to)
test  100 != 200; echo $?           

test  Hello Worlds != Hello World; echo $?

test  100 –lt 200; echo $?
(-lt = less than)

test  100 –gt 200; echo $?
(-gt= greater than)

test  100 –le 200; echo $?
(-le= less than or equal to)

test  100 –ge 200; echo $?
(-ge= greater than or equal to)



equal to


not equal to

str1= str2

string str1 is equal to str2

str1 != str2

string str1 is not equal to str2


greater than


less than


greater than equal to


less than equal to

-n  str

string str is not a null string (the length of the String1 variable is nonzero)


same as above

-z str

{the length of the String1 variable is 0 (zero)}


test  100 –lt 200; echo $?

-lt = less than

test  100 –gt 200; echo $?

-gt= greater than

test  100 –le 200; echo $?

-le= less than or equal to

test  100 –ge 200; echo $?

-ge= greater than or equal to

test  file1  -nt  file2; echo $?

-nt= newer than

test  file1  -ot  file2; echo $?

-ot= older than

test  -e  abc; echo $?

-e= whether abc (file or directory) exist or not (1=no, 0=yes)

test  -f  abc; echo $?

-f= whether abc is a file  or not (1=no, 0=yes)

ls   –l     /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
srwxrwxrwx       1  mysql   mysql      0  Oct       8  19:54               /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
(the first letter <s> denote it’s a socket)

test   -S  /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock; echo  $?
{Result = 0 (yes)}

test  -s  file; echo $?
[-s=whether it’s a zero file or not {a file with no content (zero size)}]
file1 (written something)   result = 1
file2 {written nothing (0 size)}   result=0                  
(don’t take it wrong, it’s true)

Note:    man  test

cat  file1  

tac  file1    
(display just reverse)

which   mkdir
(show the location of command)

touch  file1

(create an empty file)

vim  file1
(lets add something in it and save and exit and after sometime use touch)

touch file1
(now touch doesn’t overwrite but update its access and modified time)

sleep  5

(sleeps for 5 sec)

usleep  5
(sleeps for 5 micro sec)

usleep   2000000
(= sleep  2)

which  time

time  sleep  5

(time command run after 5 sec)

ps  –aux  | grep bash


watch  tail  /var/log/messages

date  -r  file1

(shows the last modification date & time of file1)

date  –r   abc  +%s

(last modified date in sec)

date  +%s
(current date in sec)

(the difference between these two results how many seconds ago that file/dir was modified)

date  +%d

[display the day of month (1-31)]

date  +%d-%T
[shows date – (dash) time, You can also use $, # or other symbol instead of -]

date  +%d-%T-%b
(shows date-time-month)

date  +%F

[show 2011-04-30, (current date)]

touch  `date  +%F`.log
[create a file 2011-04-30.log, ` is the key (` ~)]

echo  “Program Succeeded” >>  `date  +%F`.log

[create a file 2011-04-30.log, that contain Program Succeeded]

man  expr

expr  10  + 10

(display 20)

expr  10  \*  5
(shows 50, since * is a special character it should be escaped)

expr  10  / 2
(display 5)

expr  Wali = Wali

(display 1, mean true in Boolean)

expr  Wali = wali
(display 0, means false in Boolean)

expr  length  “wali alam”

(display 9, length of wali alam =  9 character)

expr   substr   mdwalialam  1  3

(display mdw, first 3 character)

expr   substr   mdwalialam  2  5
(display dwali, 2nd 5 character)

expr   substr   mdwalialam  4  7
(display alialam, 4th 7 character)

expr   substr   $var1 2  5
(display dwali, 2nd 5 character)

expr  length  $var1
(display 10)

time  ping  localhost
(run the command, also shows how long it takes to run)

i=1; echo  $i
(display 1)

i=`expr $i + 1`; echo $i
(display 2, as 1 is added with the previous result, ( ` near 1 key)

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