Trunking (also known as Tagging):
- Allow switches to pass vlan information between switches. And the port (interface) that allows vlan info to pass is called trunk link.
- Vlan no. is added to packet to recognize which vlan that packet belongs to. (total vlan numbers 0 to 4096)
Trunking Protocol:
- 802.1Q {industry standard (can also be used for switches other than CISCO)
- ISL (Inter Switch Link): only used in CISCO switch, not normally used now a days.
S1(config)#int fa 0/24
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
VTP (VlanTrunking Protocol):
- layer 2 protocol
- developed by cisco.
- is not a trunking protocol, it works over trunk links to replicate vlan database.
- send VTP advertisement every 5 minute or if there is a change in vlan database
- domain Name same
- version same (1,2)
- password same
- VTP mode (server/client/transparent)
VTP Modes:
Server (default):
- can add, modify, delete vlan info.
- send and receive vtp updates
- cannot add, modify, delete vlan info.
- receive updates from server and applies it to itself.
- send and receive vtp updates.
- cannot add, modify, delete vlan info.
- nor they send their updates to other switch, neither applies updates from other switch
(but forward VTP updates received from other switch)
S# show vtp status
S1(config)#int fa 0/24
S1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S2(config)#int fastEthernet 0/24
S2(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config)#vtp domain alam
S1(config)#vtp password cisco
S2(config)#vtp domain alam
S2(config)#vtp mode client
S2(config)#vtp password cisco
[Now create a vlan 10 on S1, it will automatically be updated in S2. and if you try to create vlan on S2, it will be not allowed.]