RIP (Routing Information Protocol):


  • Classfull
  • IGP
  • Dynamic
  • Distance vector
  • Metric [hop count (max-15)] (doesn’t work based on bandwidth but hop count)
  • Bell Man Ford Algorithm
  • Maximum Path = default 4 / maximum 6
  • Port no.= 520
  • UDP
  • Send broadcast at



RIP Timers:

·        Send updates every   30 sec

·        Invalid a route             180 sec

·        Hold time                     180 sec

·        Flush out a route        240 sec

 (if router does not send subnet mask info to the network known as classfull address)


Administrative Distance: It define the trusting route for a particular destination, if there are mode than one routing protocols running in a router, RP with lower AD is used)



·        Classless / VLSM

·        Authentication (optional)

·        Trigger Updates (Send update immediately, if there is change in the routing table)

·        Multicast:

·        AD = 120

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