IC (Network Interface Card):

  • Amplifies electronic signals.
  • Packages data for transmission.
  • Physically connects computer to transmission media.
  • Available in various speed (10 Mbps to 10 Gbps)
  • Available in various variety (for Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI)


  • Receives signal from one point, regenerate it, and passes it from other point.
  • Operates at physical layer (layer 1) of the OSI Model.


  • Broadcast the data packet.
    (Broadcast = one to all communication)
  • Used as a central connecting point to connect multiple nodes in star topology.
  • Layer 1 device.
  • Have six or more ports.
  • Work based on half duplex.
  •  Also called multiport repeaters or repeating hub.
  • Takes signal coming from one port, cleans it (eg. by filtering out noise), strengthen the signal and send the regenerated signal out to all other ports.
  • It share the bandwidth among all connected nodes, as a result, it slow down the performance of network.
  • Increasing the number of devices, decreases performance of network.

Types of Hub:
a) Active Hub:

  • Regenerate / repeat the signals
  • Require electrical power to run.

b) Passive Hub:

  • Doesn’t amplify or regenerate the signal.
  • Just work as a junction point to connect multiple nodes.
  • Require no power / electricity.


  • Divides a network into segments.
  • Layer 2 device (work on Data Link Layer of OSI Model).
  • Maintain Mac-Address table of connected nodes.
  • Makes intelligent decision whether or not to pass the signal to another segment.
  • Broadcast packets are forwarded to other segment as well.
  • Ports upto 16.

    There are 3 basic types of Bridge:

  • Local Bridges: It directly connect LANs
  • Remote Bridges: It can be used to create a Wide Area Network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers.
  • Wireless Bridges: It can be used to join LANs or connect remote stations to LANs.


  • Unicast the data packets.
    (Unicast = one to one communication)
  • Doesn’t share bandwidth like hub.
  • We can call it a multiport bridge.
  • Used in both LAN and WAN.
    (As it comes in Layer 2, 3, 4 and 7 varieties. Layer 2 switch work based on mac-address, Layer 3 based on IP address, Layer 4 based on port number, and Layer 7 based on application layer protocols)
  • Various types available: Switch for Ethernet, Token Ring, ATM etc
  • Ports upto 576.
  • Provide full duplex communication.


  • Establish communication between two different networks.
  • Work based on IP address (layer 3 device)
  • Maintain Routing Table (Network Information, metric value, interface information etc)
  • Know source and destination address of network.
  • Find possible path and route the packets from the best path.
  • Always unicast.
  • It has multiple collision domains.
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